Hard slap

Describe something you learned in high school.

I got a hard slap in school From the school principal.

The fact was that we had watched the Neighboring school girls! Yes, this is considered a crime. There are no mixed schools in Iran.

After the slap I thought for a long time. I felt a deep pain in myself.I had no pain, it was not because of the slap.

I knew very well that I was about to enter a new phase.After that, I remember I was never sad again because of the ridicule and insulting words of my classmates.

And this made practically no one talk to me derogatorily anymore. After that I had a certain dignity… special behavior and attitude…

I no longer paid attention to ridiculous people and their words. This made me practically respected.

I don’t know what was in that slap but I’m sure it helped me wake up. And find out who I am. Many times I received many slaps from life and I stood up and did not give up, and this is the only capital of my life.

Get yourself slapped. But don’t directly.

do things that you are afraid to do, but they seem right, Make decisions that have high risks…

This world is your playground.

Escape from stereotypes

Describe one positive change you have made in your life.

Stereotypes are the biggest problem of humanity today. The words that the human mind gives physical existence to and thinks really exist.

Human speech is full of words that do not exist in reality, but we were forced to use them to recognize and define events.

Like a ruler or Cartesian coordinates with which we explain the position of length, area and volume of things. While such coordinates do not really exist.

Some words have settled in our minds like this, such as human, name, birth and death, and self-awareness.

If we look at the sight of aimless wandering atoms, which of these is true?

None of them!

Exercise while Profitability

What’s the most fun way to exercise?

1) Planting trees, especially trees that need little water and are resistant.

2) Activities in the Red Crescent and aid organizations.

3) Creating an NGO to show the rings of Saturn to more people in a telescope.

The third one was a bit strange, wasn’t it? This was my experience and I knew that we are not alone.It confirmed my not being alone in my subconscious mind.

4) Helping parents with housework can also be useful if we look at it as an exercise.

A beautiful memory in people’s minds

If you could have something named after you, what would it be?

The best thing I can have for myself is many things.But is it logical to want or pretend to want things as an atom?No, it’s funny that atomic assemblies have a desire. But they can have an effect. I want to make a positive impact on the environment around me and on the minds of others.A hand that works does not leave money on the other hand and does not ask for anything. He is only working for the survival of the overall system. And practically, one hand does not have the ability to ask for anything, it is just a support, a hook and a versatile wrench and it does its job.

Watching atoms

What makes you laugh?

I laugh when I see atoms who think they are really human. They are caught up in their own deception. They consider the contracts they made to understand the world as the reality of their lives.

It’s even funnier that they think they are born and die. While they have always been and always will be, only when there is no brain at work, time passes very quickly for them. Close to the speed of light.

And oblivion destroys all their previous lives. Of course, I am not a fan of reincarnation. I think we are a combination of substances and minerals which will always be eternal either in the form of matter or in the form of energy…

I can feel things differently

What’s a secret skill or ability you have or wish you had?

There are many people who think they have many problems.

I was exactly like them. Until one day something happened to me. I sat down and calculated my chances of being born as a human, as an atom:

(all humans atoms count) / (Number of observable universe atoms) = (8×10²⁷) ÷ 10⁸⁰ = 8× 10²⁷-⁸⁰ = 8 × 10-⁵³ = 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000008%

Its just for observable humans and atoms. If I calculate with my first cell and all atoms of universe it can be very smaller than this result!

I think we had a very high chance that we took the form of a human.

My secret is that I always remember this calculation result…and I am always happy Because of this I’m not any kind of mineral that can’t think cant feel and cant have secret skills… 🙂

Favorite weather or favorite fillings?!

What is your favorite type of weather?

There is not a different types of weather there is different types of fillings.

My favorite filling is that: Understanding that all of these fillings are lie of our minds and being happy in any situations.

Its our chance that we can fill things instead other atoms all around us.

Feel the intense heat of the air and enjoy it. Feel the extreme cold and enjoy it. Go in a strong storm and feel it right in front of the flood and enjoy it.Feel how the branches scratch your body and you understand.

A big part of the world are living without that chance to feel things like you. So fill and love everything and every situation and weather…

Enjoy it.

خر سفید

در جهان کافیست من دشمن نباشم باخری

تا بهشت جاودان وارد کند مارا زمانی داوری

منتظر بر مرگ این ناجی نشستم سالها

این شدو سی‌سال ردچون چرخ‌های خاوری

بعد عمری دست گرمی با سکوت و انتظار

ازمیان گیسوان زالی برامد گفتم آیا کافری؟

جمله فهمیدو سرم در آینه عرعر کشید

مردک بیچاره گرخرمن توهمچون قاتری

گردنش بگرفتمو از سر برونش ساختم

دشمن عمری بگفتا عیب خود را ساتری

اوکه تو داری وجود و اندکی هم عمر بود

نصف عمرت شعر گفتی تپه‌هایت فاخری

چیست آیا نقشه‌‌ات، ریدن به باقیمانده‌اش

مانده‌ام گاوی تو آیا، یا هنوزم شاعری

قاتلی زنجیره‌ای را با تو برمن فرق نیست

تو به قتل عمر و جان خویش هردم حاضری

همچو قو در خرمنی اندیشه از رنگ سیه

امدم روشن کنم جانا ولی انگار شب را شاکری

سالها در عالم زر فکر کردن قفل بود

جمله را دانی اگر البته سنگی ماهری


۴ فروردین ۱۴۰۳ 


Who was your most influential teacher? Why?

“Sophie’s World” was the book that introduced me to philosophy.With my background from my field of study, “Dr. Izadkhah” introduced me to the genetic algorithm. And mixing of philosophical ideas of “Dariush Shaygan” about human “We are the result of the universe trying to observe itself”, It made me lean towards the Democritus side.

In my opinion, in knowing things, we are allowed to break down different things as much as we can.But this work has a limit and we reach the result at some point and there is no need to continue.

At the point where we get to the atoms, there is no need for further splitting.

At this stage, we become one with the minerals of the world, namely phosphorus, oxygen, hydrogen and carbon.

The only thing that is different is the way these atoms are placed together, which makes one diamond and the other coal.

Many lessons can be learned from this. How much order do we follow in our work? How far are we going with the program? What is our score in arranging and integrating the things in our office, bedroom and desktop of our personal computer?

In short, how organized are our thoughts or what we call the brain?

If we can give ourselves a grade in this world, this grade will be exactly equal to our success in life.

How do you think it is possible to have a neat and orderly personality and thoughts?

Maulavi (Maulana Jalaluddin Balkhi) answers the question.

Man has several personalities:

1) What we really are.

2) The person we think we are.

3) The character that others think we have.

5) The personality that we think others know us.

6) The character that others think we think we are.

7) The character we want to leave behind in the minds of others.

Molvi says tell me how much your other characters are equal to the first and second characters so that I can tell how much your mind is involved in different issues.

According to Democritus, the best situation is that all our characters are similar to the first option.

In this state, we have no fear. In this state, we will have the best and most orderly state of thoughts.

These were the summaries of people and information that I learned from the best coaches in my life.