Atomism: Deferent thinking about life

What public figure do you disagree with the most?

When you spend some time believing that everything you see and hear is an atom and atomic components such as photons, neutrons, electrons, and protons, many things lose their meaning.
We place less value on things whose components we know because they are less complex.
Like a house, baklava, a car or mobile phone, PS5, etc., but when we don’t know what it is like humans, ourselves, our self-awareness, honor, humanity, love and feeling, hate and death and the birth. Eyes and brain and thinking, etc… We attach great importance to the things that are complex to our brains. But by following the idea of atomism, all these are related to the normal states of matter in special conditions.
Wait, the story hasn’t started yet:
After that, an amazing thing happens, we sit down, think and say that a stone is no different from me, see how lucky I was that I became an apparently self-aware (self-deceiving) atom, but not a stone! And inevitably, you count the greatness of your luck in becoming a human by tapping on your face with your fingers. 🧏🤔
And that’s when you realize you wasted a life by years of working as an employee and reading stupid books for the Ready entrance exam, and how valuable life was, and… in other words, you become the only super crazy person in the family. 😩🎯🥹

And after this stage, you will understand that you are neither born nor will you die, you are just matter that keeps changing until you reach another self-awareness, and you only live times when you can deceive yourself that you have reached self-awareness…

This is my different idea about the world and life that I can’t see in other people.

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ساعتی اندیشه باید کرد در این لقمه‌ها

واقعی شیرینیان بودند یا طرح و خمی؟


Poet, and or a writer

What is your career plan?

I am a computer software programmer.

But it’s not funny like writing poems and quotes about being and life.

I am effective in both writing and programming but I think my first job will be a writer in this world…

Cuz I don’t know , people can make some sort of good connections with my words…and sometimes they are really going tierd. 😩

It’s a good job for after die!!

500km 1week trip with bicycle

Have you ever been camping?

Yes I do.

I was sent to deprived areas as a soldier teacher.

In the summer when it was school vacation, my colleague and I decided to buy a good bike for me too, and hit the road.

We left Tabriz and went to the banks of Aras River and came back twice by a different route .

Due to slow movement and passing the route from different villages, we covered about 500 kilometers in one week.

What I got from this trip was that there were many things to see in East Azerbaijan if we use a bicycle instead of a car.

It’s like when the speed is low and you endure a lot of pain to pedal, The space-time plane seem like a stretch for you!

And the understanding of the moments becomes much deeper for you. I came back and saw that a very normal week had passed for them who were in Tabriz, but for me it was like a year.

Cycling is not a hobby. This is the method that people increase their life span, but this happens very imperceptibly and unconsciously, so that no trace of this phenomenon can be found in any scientific article!🤭

So, Keep calm and cycle. 🚲

All risks I took!

Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

I am an atom set that can make risky decisions. Every atomic set does not have such capabilities.

I am a very lucky percentage of the world that accidentally have this ability, I have to celebrate all the risky decisions I made, even though they weren’t the right ones. I suffered a lot because of bad decisions, but I’m sure there are billions of stones in the world who wish to suffer the same pain.They have been waiting for billions of years for the moment when they make a mistake and shoot the ground instead of the ball and their feet are blown. Or ride a bike and skate and slip and get injured. or fail in business, Or fail in a relationship.

I believe that our atoms are made to search for the best algorithm in all fields and we are like workers who want the chance to stay in the next stage and enter the next layer if we optimize the current system.

Our world is a simple multi threading  multi propose optimization system maybe in a Gaming computer in the garage of a house in Mexico…Well, what is your plan in this situation?Do you give birth to many children? or do you try to improve the world one step more like people like Elon Musk?Or just looking for more money for your old age, To prolong your cancer treatment?

It’s your chance it’s your choice

An angel inside the telescope

Describe a random encounter with a stranger that stuck out positively to you.

I had not seen anything strange for a long time and tired of everything, I became a member of an NGO astronomy group that held free observation programs at night. that finally, night after night, a strange thing happened.

Almost all the girls were usually sleeping in their brother’s arms, except for a relatively large mirror telescope that was gently caressed in the hands of a boy in love with her in the middle of the night to observe the moon and other celestial bodies ready for us, and me and a few other crazy boys who were waiting  We were going to see what is happening in space.

Finally, we were able to see the moon from a very close distance and I was very amazed, but some of us did not give up.

When everyone falls asleep, the night just begins for the curious.

We waited again for another adjustment to be made.  I would have preferred not to bother the telescope operator with the question of screwing the telescope and ask if there were any questions after the observation…

Finally, it was my turn. I stood next to the big mirror telescope and stared into space.

Oh no!  What is this, an angel with a ring around her head. It’s most magical moment of my life.

Yes, my first amazing stranger was the Saturn 🪐.

I asked myself at that moment:

who are you? The person you see in the mirror?
Or any random thing at any random time and place?


Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Tell me now, who do I recall?
Is it me, the one staring back?
Or any object, in any corner or nook and crack?

Am I the image before me,
Or a fleeting thought that wanders free?
Do I define myself or adapt to the moment,
Shifting form like a chameleon, nimble and potent?

Who am I, really, in this world of change and flux,
Do I stick to my true self or take on varied masks?
Perhaps the answer lies in the mirror’s reflection,
Revealing fragments of a whole, a kaleidoscopic expression.

So look deep within, beyond the outer shell,
Discover your essence, your worth, your spell.
For you are not just a passing thing at any time or place,
But a precious soul, full of grace and infinite space.

Earth’s double poles

What place in the world do you never want to visit? Why?

I don’t like to see cold places at all, because the lack of heat and the cooling of my body instills in me the fact that I am actually a cold atomic complex…

But I was so immersed in my thoughts that I think I am a warm-blooded creature called human.

Even though I gave this name and this adjective to myself, I think they are true…

Hard slap

Describe something you learned in high school.

I got a hard slap in school From the school principal.

The fact was that we had watched the Neighboring school girls! Yes, this is considered a crime. There are no mixed schools in Iran.

After the slap I thought for a long time. I felt a deep pain in myself.I had no pain, it was not because of the slap.

I knew very well that I was about to enter a new phase.After that, I remember I was never sad again because of the ridicule and insulting words of my classmates.

And this made practically no one talk to me derogatorily anymore. After that I had a certain dignity… special behavior and attitude…

I no longer paid attention to ridiculous people and their words. This made me practically respected.

I don’t know what was in that slap but I’m sure it helped me wake up. And find out who I am. Many times I received many slaps from life and I stood up and did not give up, and this is the only capital of my life.

Get yourself slapped. But don’t directly.

do things that you are afraid to do, but they seem right, Make decisions that have high risks…

This world is your playground.

Escape from stereotypes

Describe one positive change you have made in your life.

Stereotypes are the biggest problem of humanity today. The words that the human mind gives physical existence to and thinks really exist.

Human speech is full of words that do not exist in reality, but we were forced to use them to recognize and define events.

Like a ruler or Cartesian coordinates with which we explain the position of length, area and volume of things. While such coordinates do not really exist.

Some words have settled in our minds like this, such as human, name, birth and death, and self-awareness.

If we look at the sight of aimless wandering atoms, which of these is true?

None of them!

Exercise while Profitability

What’s the most fun way to exercise?

1) Planting trees, especially trees that need little water and are resistant.

2) Activities in the Red Crescent and aid organizations.

3) Creating an NGO to show the rings of Saturn to more people in a telescope.

The third one was a bit strange, wasn’t it? This was my experience and I knew that we are not alone.It confirmed my not being alone in my subconscious mind.

4) Helping parents with housework can also be useful if we look at it as an exercise.

A beautiful memory in people’s minds

If you could have something named after you, what would it be?

The best thing I can have for myself is many things.But is it logical to want or pretend to want things as an atom?No, it’s funny that atomic assemblies have a desire. But they can have an effect. I want to make a positive impact on the environment around me and on the minds of others.A hand that works does not leave money on the other hand and does not ask for anything. He is only working for the survival of the overall system. And practically, one hand does not have the ability to ask for anything, it is just a support, a hook and a versatile wrench and it does its job.