An angel inside the telescope

Describe a random encounter with a stranger that stuck out positively to you.

I had not seen anything strange for a long time and tired of everything, I became a member of an NGO astronomy group that held free observation programs at night. that finally, night after night, a strange thing happened.

Almost all the girls were usually sleeping in their brother’s arms, except for a relatively large mirror telescope that was gently caressed in the hands of a boy in love with her in the middle of the night to observe the moon and other celestial bodies ready for us, and me and a few other crazy boys who were waiting  We were going to see what is happening in space.

Finally, we were able to see the moon from a very close distance and I was very amazed, but some of us did not give up.

When everyone falls asleep, the night just begins for the curious.

We waited again for another adjustment to be made.  I would have preferred not to bother the telescope operator with the question of screwing the telescope and ask if there were any questions after the observation…

Finally, it was my turn. I stood next to the big mirror telescope and stared into space.

Oh no!  What is this, an angel with a ring around her head. It’s most magical moment of my life.

Yes, my first amazing stranger was the Saturn 🪐.

I asked myself at that moment:

who are you? The person you see in the mirror?
Or any random thing at any random time and place?


Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Tell me now, who do I recall?
Is it me, the one staring back?
Or any object, in any corner or nook and crack?

Am I the image before me,
Or a fleeting thought that wanders free?
Do I define myself or adapt to the moment,
Shifting form like a chameleon, nimble and potent?

Who am I, really, in this world of change and flux,
Do I stick to my true self or take on varied masks?
Perhaps the answer lies in the mirror’s reflection,
Revealing fragments of a whole, a kaleidoscopic expression.

So look deep within, beyond the outer shell,
Discover your essence, your worth, your spell.
For you are not just a passing thing at any time or place,
But a precious soul, full of grace and infinite space.